Tuesday, September 25, 2012

26: Somany Sojourns

Seems like I'm doing this every week now and I dont know why.

Also on the agenda: interested in Supernova?

If some of us want to volunteer we can organize another voyage. otherwise it is ~$30 per day and $70 for the three day ticket.

WHEN: 27th 5pm

WHERE: Ben's Place

WHAT: LOL, GW2, Realm of the mad god, payday

WHAT TO BRING: probably impromptu pizza and pepsi again

WHO: Who's expected to be coming? Who is coming late? Who is leaving early? Who doesn't have a computer?

Comment below to discuss. Otherwise, see you there!

1 comment:

  1. Debrief:
    So we played install wars until ~8pm

    then Payday until after Josh and Dan arrived.

    Notorious until we broke it (editing other peoples turns I think)

    Then LOL was finally patched and everybody had a working copy so we had ~4 games of ARAM.
